Parenting Against Porn’s Mid-week Minute- This Year’s Dirty Dozen!

Welcome to the Disruptus Renovatus Mid-Week Minute, a Parenting Update.  This is a tool (often a short read) designed to assist parents who want to protect their children and grandchildren from the influence of porn!

Many times I’ll provide helpful tips and hints related to technology and the media-crazed teen world.

Other times I’ll offer stories from my experience of parenting and struggle with porn addiction.

Most of these posts will highlight, however, porn’s ongoing, and often subterranean, influence in our culture.  May of us, in the midst of our busy work-a-day world, simply don’t have time to see the subtle influences shaping childhood and teen life today.

Hopefully this Mid-week Minute will be an aid for those who want to do more, but simply don’t know where to start!

This week, I am highlighting The National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s recently released 2017 Dirty Dozen list.

You won’t believe who made this year’s infamous list.

Or, maybe you will.

The Dirty Dozen is an annual list that exposes corporations that profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation.

The Center’s efforts over the past few years have significantly reduced childhood access to porn.

Many high-profile corporations have been – and are – on this list.  For example:

  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • American Library Association
  • Youtube
  • Fifty Shades of Grey
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine
  • Verizon

To name just a few!

When my kids were younger, my wife and I had no idea how pervasive porn was becoming and how actively the porn moguls were lobbying the business world on behalf of the porn industry.  This lack of knowledge left us both unaware of the dangers and unprepared to face the realities these dangers posed.  As such, we always felt like we were running behind, picking up the pieces after an incident or event related to pornographic images, videos, or texts, to which they were unwittingly exposed.

As a man, husband, and father, I was also battling my personal war against this insidious toxin.  Many times, in the throes of despair, I desperately hoped for a cultural awakening to this problem.   While I realize the presence of sexual subjugation within main stream media is still very much present through disastrous movies like Fifty Shades of Grey, I am thankful to see many folks, particularly parents, gaining the courage to get in the fight!

I do believe that we can end porn in our lifetime.  As I have said before, I say again: If we don’t end porn, porn will end us!

Finally, within the past five years, the public has begun to notice how deplorable porn is and how invasive its reach has become.

This is an awesome develop for parents and a wonderful initiative for our world.

If you’d like to know which corporations are profiting off of porn’s distribution and making it possible for your child to be exposed to porn, then see the downloadable 2017 Dirty Dozen pdf here:  [pdf-embedder url=””]

You can also click here to find out ways to join this important effort!

In next week’s Parenting Against Porn’s Midweek Minute I show you how the largest porn site in the world is now launching an initiative to teach sexual education to our children.

Disrupting to Renew!