Becoming “Y” Axis People!

Since the launch of Disruptus (2014), I’ve written primarily about three overarching topics/ideas:

  1. Spiritual formation.  Articles concerning the recovery of its place of primacy within the modern church.  Particularly as spiritual formation and soul-care shapes and molds spiritual leadership and congregational life.
  2. Pornography, Addiction, Recovery. Recovery issues related to compulsive sexual disorders that plague our world and are directly connected to the mass production of pornography.  The porn industry, with global revenue in the multi-trillions of dollars, is arguably the largest industry in the world that commodifies the human body in a way that dehumanizes both consumer and consumed.
  3. The Social Imaginary. Articles revolving around the hope that there is still time to recover what I call a Sacred, Soul-full, and Satisfying Social Imaginary.  Many of these articles include ideas related to wonder, awe, beauty, the mystical, enchantment, etc.

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