A Father’s Confession: How Instagram Made Me Feel Like a Fool

A Father’s Confession: How Instagram Made Me Feel Like a Fool

Warning: Explicit Content Ahead!  The content of this post deals directly with pornography and the immediate access our children have to it through social media apps.  As such, the language and specific wording is more explicit than many of my posts.

I believe, firmly, this is a message that must be voiced, heard, and shared.   I do, however, recognize that many may find it offensive.  It’s not my intent to offend, but to inform.  I plan on writing a series of posts addressing issues relating to social media apps in the coming weeks and months.  Please, feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns, or simply need help.  You can reach me at [email protected] or [email protected].

I blew it, I confess.

I’ve never truly monitored my children’s Instagram accounts the way they ought to be monitored.


Because the social media app comes with a “T” rating, which means – ostensibly – that it’s a #Pornfree app.

However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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