Ministry, MLK, and Making Time to Write


It’s been nearly a month since I’ve blogged.

I’ve been locked in a busy season of life and ministry.  For many involved in full-time (or even part-time and volunteer) ministry, the Advent Season is full and vibrant.  Busy but rewarding.

I find that, when ministry demands are high, moments for writing are few and far between.

That’s when I have to create space to write.

Time to Write Doesn’t Just Happen

This morning, I looked at my calendar and was stunned to find that it’s already January 10th.  We are ten days into the New Year, and I’ve not written (at least not for this blog) one single word of reflection or encouragement.

So, I am stopping everything else to take time to write.

If you love writing, as I do, then I’d encourage you not to wait until you have time to write before you write.  No, make time to write.  Even in a post-literate society (one that don’t read :^)), we need our authors.  We need to hear from those who help us put words to what we feel, sense, and perceive but are unable to articulate.

So today, on this day that’s already quite full, I am going to pause and reflect on the hope Martin Luther King once had of our world.  It seems an appropriate topic since we will celebrate his life in just over a week.

His hope, though not his only hope (after all, we cannot narrow any one man or woman’s entire life down to one idea, no matter how grand) was that Love would win the day.

He did, in fact, repeatedly propose that love is the only hope any of us have.

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