Christmas Morning: Opening the Gift of a Porn-Free Life!

The Christmas season is one of gift-giving and receiving.  In all likelihood you will, on Christmas morning, celebrate this gift-exchange tradition with friends and family.  You may gather around a tree, in a living room, near a fireplace, etc. and open gifts shared by those who love you and those whom you love.

If you happen to be struggling with your porn addiction during this season, you’ll likely be disengaged from this life-giving moment.

You may, in fact, totally check out.

Indeed, if you’ve been trolling the web for porn in recent days, then meaning-filled, life-giving moments of community such as the ones I’ve just described could easily and quickly overwhelm you.

While the external joy may be palpable to everyone else, your internal, secret shame will prevent you from the soul-enriching moment this opportunity provides.

You will want to run.

And you may think that running is your best option.

You may believe that running is your only option.

Porn addiction bedevils us into believing that secrecy and segregation are the only options we have available to us.  The addiction screams within, “Run away, you’re not good enough to enjoy this gift.  Run away, return to me.”

It’s a lie and we all know it.

I am not sure we know – or have experienced – why it’s a lie.  To know why it’s a lie is to discover hope.

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