Football, Formation, and Faith: What’s Practice Got to Do with Pentecost? Pt. 2

Football, Formation, and Faith: What’s Practice Got to Do with Pentecost? Pt. 2

Community is experienced with one another only as devotion is practiced by one another.  This is clearly seen in team sports.  The practice of devotion is a lost art.

That’s too bad.

And though it’s lost, it’s easily regained.  Particularly by people of faith.

It’s easily regained because it (devotion) is the fullest and most notable sign and wonder of Pentecost.

It’s also the sign and wonder that we are invited to experience by way of repetition (practice) and enjoy on a daily basis.

This is where football, for example, serves as a model of the type of devotion community demands.  To be a part of the team (community) one must be devoted to the demands of the team.  And, while football (among other team sports) can and does serve as a model or picture of community, it ultimately falls short of what the Gospel pictures and celebrates – particularly what the Gospel pictures and celebrates during the season of Pentecost!

Why this brief jaunt into Pentecost?  Why connect practice to Pentecost?

What do Pentecost and Practice have in common?

Probably more than you’ve ever dared to imagine.

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