The Ghost of Christmas Present: A Journey Into Joy

The Ghost of Christmas Present: A Journey Into Joy

From the prison to the poor-house, Scrooge discovers what life requires of us who have been given so much.  He also learns what life exacts from others when we hoard our resources and live from a place of scarcity rather than abundance.

The opening scene of Stave Three introduces us to the Ghost of Christmas Present.  Dickens invites the reader to imagine a lavish feast at a King’s table. A table overflowing with bounty and abundance.

Upon entering the room, Scrooge casts his eyes on The Ghost of Christmas Present.  This Ghost doesn’t enter Scrooge’s bedroom.  Instead, he settles into to Scrooges living area – fills it with his abundant presence – and invites Scrooge to join him.

Indeed, abundance extended to one is an abundance designed to be shared with all.

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