2016 Resolutions? I resolve to remain unresolved! How’s that??
No mas! I’m done! Uncle! I am, in modern vernacular, tapping out.
I considered putting ink to paper and developing a resolution or two. Then I spied March’s dissolution in the fogged over windshield of life’s hyped up, over maxed, half-baked January resolution. Such foresight has given me the wisdom to say no more to the resolution parade.
This year, rather than a long list of short lived resolutions, I am spending some time Reflecting on Life Shaping Desire. These reflections revolve around one central question:
“What do I desire – deeply want – or long for in this life?”
Tugging on this question the past few days has lead me to frame it in more specific way,
“What do I desire – deeply want – or long for in 2016?“
The question packs (or at least has for me) quite a punch! I am confident that my answer(s) will shift like the tides on the shores of the beach near my home. Yet, as of this moment, I am meditating on 2016’s Life Shaping Desires!
These are not things I resolve to do in 2016 but desires I long to nurture; to grow. Desires which, if properly nourished, hold the hope of bringing life to myself and those around me!