The first month of a new year is often a time of expectancy and hope. The onset of the new year typically provides a few weeks during which we celebrate the goodness of God, the faithful promise keeper! We carry with us new visions of satisfaction; replacing yesterday’s memories of despair and hunger. Indeed, we hope – at least in some measure – to discover satisfaction and fulfillment in the year ahead. That’s why I have spent the bulk of January reflecting on the nature and nurture of soul satisfying godly desire!

I grew up believing that desire is evil. I learned to question my desire; to subdue it – beat it into submission or simply deny its existence.
That didn’t work so well. Denying my desire pulled me down a tortuous path littered with a multitude of bad decisions.
I have come to believe that desires – in and of themselves – are not sinful or unnatural. They are God-given. The are also, however, easily distorted and misaligned; bent and turned inward often at the expense of interior Shalom and well-being. Desire can, wondrously so, when aimed toward God, produce amazing outcomes.
I believe, for example, that we all share at least three sacred – God given – desires:
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